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Rooted in divine ground.
We thrive on the plane of inspiration. The cup runneth over because it is brimming at the top. Our office is abundance, not an edifice. We don't believe in work. We believe in vocation and business.
ERTH started as a podcast recorded on an iPhone 7 and two Kindle Direct books with less than 80 pages of content each. We surf the waves of trends while staying firmly rooted to brand integrity and virtuous counsel. ERTH partners with both established businesses and start-up companies to cultivate inclusive strategies that appeal, intrigue, educate, & deliver.
Cultivating the Art of Good Living
The world has already got one of them.
What we need is the best you.
Short-form copywriting, Non-fiction, fiction, novels, teleplays, screenplays, & speeches
Decorated orator, podcaster, poet, messenger, motivator
Short films, writers' assistant, screenwriter, actor, model, news anchor
Digital content creation, social media management, eCommerce
Introducing brands & businesses to the emerging market of generating revenue on social media through partnerships with influencers.
In partnership with
“Dreams seldom wait for tomorrow.”
Eric Robert Hunter, Founder
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